Friday, January 17, 2020

Posters Miracle

Jan 8, 2020 - English conversation class restarted after the New Year Holiday break.  The first 2 photos are of a portable billboard sign, one side has a poster of missionary work and the other a poster of free English class.  On the day of class, we set this billboard outside so passersby can see them as they walk by.  On this day, the wind was strong but at the time I set them out, it didn't feel strong enough it would knock it over.  However when I came out after class was over, they were indeed knocked down.  In fact, some nice passerby must have stacked them nicely to the side, but to my dismay, the posters were gone.  I walked up and down the block hoping they can be found, but no luck.  As I walked back to the new church building to close up, I saw out of the corner of my eye something white flapping in the wind inside the metal casing of the gate to the church parking lot.  They were the missing posters, both of them.  What are the odds that both posters would end up being stuck in the exact same place?  To get from the billboard sign was located to where the posters ended up, both of them would have had to fly up into the air, over the gate and over the bushes at a distance at least 30 ft, curl themselves inside the metal bars. The amazing thing too is that the posters only suffered couple tiny corners torn off, not even visible once put back into the billboard frame.  In my books, it is a miracle and they were preserved so that they may catch the attention of some passersby in the future.

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